
This article is part of a series of settings overview articles:

Aha! Roadmaps | Workspace ideas settings

Your workspace-level settings show you any ideas portals associated with your workspace (with links to their account-level settings), as well as what idea categories you have created for your workspace. They will also link to your account-level ideas portal settings, where you can configure the portals themselves.

Your account-level idea settings allow you to create and configure portals in Settings ⚙️ Account Ideas portals. You can also add custom fields to your ideas in Settings ⚙️ Account Custom fields or edit the idea layout in Settings ⚙️ Account Custom layouts.

These settings are just the beginning. To dive into how Aha! can help you manage ideas for your product or service, head over to the ideas section of our knowledge base.

Click any of the following links to skip ahead:


An ideas portal can be as sophisticated as you need it to be. You can have one portal per workspace, multiple workspaces pointing to the same portal, or multiple portals stemming from the same workspace. The Settings ⚙️ Workspace Ideas Configure settings are where you set defaults for any portals associated with that specific workspace. This is where you can see links to the associated portals themselves.

  • Default idea assignee — is an optional field. If you would like every new idea to be assigned to a product manager for review, for example, you can set it here. If you have a team of people reviewing submitted ideas, you may choose to leave this field blank.

  • Workflow for ideas — will default to the Example ideas workflow. This is the lifecycle of the idea record type, from creation to review to promotion or resolution status. You can create custom workflows in Settings ⚙️ Accounts Statuses and workflows. Click Edit ideas workflow to change the workflow for ideas in this workspace or click the hyperlink to move to Settings ⚙️ Accounts Statuses and workflows.

  • Scorecard for ideas allows you to use scorecards to prioritize ideas. If you promote an idea to an initiative, epic, feature, or requirement, the idea score will carry over to help you prioritize the promoted record against other records of the same type.

  • Ideas via email — determines the email address used to submit ideas for your specific workspace. For security purposes, we do not recommend forwarding another email address to the ideas portal email address.

  • Ideas portal for emailed ideas determines where ideas submitted by email will go. Click the dropdown to select a portal. It is a good idea to create unique names for each ideas portal. This will make it easier to find what you are looking for in dropdown selections.

  • Edit the custom fields for ideas — takes you to Settings ⚙️ Account Custom fields where you can create, edit, or delete custom fields. These fields can be internal to help you manage and prioritize submitted ideas or external to help you gather pertinent information from your users.

Click Update ideas configuration to save your changes.

At the bottom of the page, you will see Portals for <workspace name> and a list of each ideas portal associated with your current workspace. Click the portal name to be taken that portal's settings.



You can use idea categories to organize your ideas into groups. Categories are optional, and you set them on a per-workspace level — so every workspace owner can navigate to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Categories and add, edit, or delete categories for ideas submitted to ideas portals linked to that workspace.

Think about a category structure that will best help you manage submitted ideas, and help users submitting and searching for ideas in your ideas portals to organize their thoughts. If you are a product manager, for example, you may choose to add ideas categories for different aspects of your product — Reports, Profile, Checkout, Mobile — so that both you and your users can see what part of your product is generating the most interest.

Click Add idea category to create one or hover over a created category to Edit or Delete it. Categories can nest in a hierarchy, so you can have multiple child categories under a parent category.

Once you have created ideas categories, they need to be added to the ideas custom record layouts so the Category field will be visible to your users.

Remember that there are a few ideas layouts to choose from.

  • The Ideas layout controls how ideas look when they are created from within your Aha! Roadmaps account. The Category field will be added by default to the Ideas custom layout. You can choose to Require it.

  • The Ideas portal — Ideas layout controls how ideas look when they are created and viewed in an ideas portal. The Category field will be added by default to the Ideas portal — Ideas custom layout. You can choose to Require it.

  • The two proxy votes custom layouts control how proxy votes look when added from within Aha! Roadmaps or an ideas portal. The Category field cannot be added to the Proxy votes or Ideas portal — Proxy votes layouts.


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