
Aha! Roadmaps | Manage portal spam

Your ideas portal is a gateway to valuable insights that help you deliver innovative and impactful solutions. It keeps you close to your customers, so you can develop a better understanding of what they want and need the most — helping you build products that they love. But like any website that allows users to input data, spam can get in the way when you are sifting through feedback to find the most valuable ideas.

Enable a spam filter for your ideas portal to reduce the number of irrelevant submissions — so you can spend less time analyzing low-quality ideas and more time finding insights that are valuable to your product strategy.

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Enable the spam filter

Spam is not likely to become an issue for private portals that use single sign-on, but we recommend spam filters for all public portals.

The spam filter is enabled by default for all public ideas portals. If you need to enable or disable your spam filter, access your portal settings by clicking the pencil icon next to your portal on the Ideas Overview page. On the General tab, scroll down to the Spam section and check the box next to Enable spam filter. You will need account customization permissions to access your portal settings.

Once enabled, ideas or comments submitted through your portal that appear to be potential spam will not be published to your portal, but will be marked within your Aha! account for you to review. To review items marked as spam, click the spam indicator next to any portal. This indicator will appear in the top right corner of your ideas overview page when you have spam to review.


Manage spam

Your spam filter does a fantastic job at identifying suspicious ideas and comments. As a best practice, you should regularly review your spam folder so you do not miss out on any real ideas or comments that are flagged by mistake.

To review items marked as spam, navigate to Ideas Overview. If you have spam to review in a portal, you will see an indicator next to your portal's name. Click it to navigate to your spam settings. Then click the More options menu next to your portal's name and select View spam.

You can review ideas and comments marked as potential spam for 30 days after submission. If you do not review an item within 30 days, it will be deleted automatically.

From here, you can view items marked as spam for ideas or portal comments.

  • Click the link in the first column to view the record in question.

  • Click the link in the User column to view the user's profile.

  • Hover over an item to mark it as Not spam.

Do not delete spam ideas or comments — mark them as spam instead, so the spam filter can improve its selections.


Manually flag ideas and comments as spam

It is important to review new ideas and comments in your ideas portal regularly so you can engage with your community, address feedback, and identify valuable ideas. When you are reviewing submissions to your ideas portal, you may run into feedback that looks like spam.

To mark an idea or comment as spam that the spam filter missed, open the item, click the More options button, then click Mark as spam.

Ideas submitted by users in your Aha! account cannot be marked as spam.

The spam filter learns as portal owners manually mark and unmark items as spam, and by analyzing patterns and trends in submitted ideas and comments.

The reverse is also true — if you flag ideas and comments that you do not like as spam, then you teach the spam filter to flag similar ideas and comments in the future. Instead, we recommend that you manage these items through your standard workflow, and delete anything that you do not want in your portal.


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