
September 15, 2017 release notes


  • Relative dates and dependencies can now be set for release phase templates. This lets users provide an option to specify the number of days between each release phase or milestone. Using a negative value for number of days between phases allows users to define phases or milestones that overlap. Dependencies can be set between phases when defining the template by choosing the related phase from the dependency dropdown.

  • Enterprise+ plans can now turn on a setting that only allows users with billing administrator permissions to invite additional users and assign product permissions. This allows Enterprise+ accounts to more granularly manage paid seat group counts and user permissions by removing this setting from product owners and other administrators. Enabling this setting can be done from Settings Account Billing under License management. Select the checkbox next to "Only billing administrators can manage users" and Save to apply changes.

  • Product notes can now be added as related records to other data objects. To add a related record to a note, click on the Actions menu in the upper right of the note and select "Link to another record". The record link modal will appear allowing you to link the note to any data object and set the relationship type. A new "Record links" section will display at the bottom of the note referencing the related data records.


  • Custom field values can now be deleted from a record via API by passing a "null" value.

  • To-do's without due dates are now included in email reminder notifications. Previously, only to-do's with dates were included. Additionally, the reminder email now looks out two days instead of one for "To-do's due soon" so users have a better idea of what work they have coming up.

  • The release selection drop down when importing features from CSV is now filtered to releases in the selected product only. This makes it much easier for users to select the applicable release for import and allows the page to load faster for accounts with multiple products and many releases in each.


  • Hierarchy report records were being duplicated in some cases when tags were included for display.

  • Pivot table reports were duplicating records when initiative custom fields were included in some cases.

  • Tags were not loading or displaying in the feature record detail drawer in IE or Firefox in some cases.

  • Custom record relationship fields were displaying incorrectly in some cases in reports.

  • Custom pre-defined choice field value IDs were displaying in record history changes instead of custom field value updates.

  • Web notebooks were not respecting the "Use snapshot" setting to show an older version of a saved report view.

  • Milestones were not displaying on custom roadmaps when reporting by timeframe Duration was selected.

  • Pivot table reports were not ordering correctly when sorted on idea category in some cases.

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