
March 31, 2017 release notes


  • Master features are the newest data element introduced in Aha! and provide a level of data between your features and strategic initiatives. They are perfect for planning your bigger work items and for grouping features together spanning multiple releases representing a larger theme.

    • Common use cases include:

      • Your team is agile and you are looking for epics to group your stories.

      • Your team builds large features spanning several releases and you want to put them on a roadmap and track them.

      • Your team currently uses strategic initiatives in Aha! to group features, but you would rather keep those for more strategic themes.

    • How it works:

      • They are turned off by default but can be enabled by going to Settings - Product - Configure and scrolling to Master features. Your dropdown options include Enabled, Disabled, or Inherit from product line.

      • You can update the terminology for master features to something else such as epics by going to Settings - Product - Terminology.

      • Master features are managed through the Features section and are essentially parents to your features. They have many of the same capabilities as features for adding details and customizing how they are used and presented.

      • The Features - Board will be the primary screen where you create, manage, and prioritize your master features as well. The Toggle in the upper left allows you to switch between master feature cards and feature cards on the board.

      • Master features have their own customizable card and can be dragged and dropped into planned releases and prioritized order.

      • They can be scored using the same custom scorecard that is used for features.

      • Master features can be managed through the Features - Workflow kanban board view.

      • Features can be linked to master features in the feature drawer page in the same manner they are linked to goals and initiatives. All linked features are then displayed in the master feature drawer page.

      • The Reports - Features roadmap view has been updated where it also includes a toggle option to include the master features that will be shipping in upcoming releases. The toggle option is included as part of the Customize Releases dropdown.

      • You can build custom analytics reports and roadmaps with master features data.

      • Features can be converted to be master features in the feature drawer Actions menu. However, it will first be necessary to convert any requirements of that feature to be features prior to converting the original feature to be a master feature.

      • Initiatives can be converted to be master features in the initiative drawer Actions menu.

    • Other important things to know:

      • Master features are not yet available for integrations but this is actively being worked on.

      • Import from CSV currently does not support master features but work is in process on this as well.


  • The Rally integration has a new Don't send releases configuration checkbox which allows for sending features to Rally without creating a release.

  • The Salesforce integration has been improved to make installation easier and to improve security. The integration now uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. If you have been using the previous version of the integration you must install and configure the new version of the application.

    • The following steps are required to make the upgrade:

  1. Upgrade the Salesforce application.

  2. Reconfigure your Salesforce integration in Aha! under Settings - Account - Integrations. Click the "Authenticate" button to switch to OAuth 2.0 authentication. Choose the idea portal you integrated with Salesforce from the dropdown list. Click the "Test Connection" button.

This process will not affect any ideas already linked to Aha!

If you have not previously installed the Salesforce application, complete instructions are available here: Installing the Aha! Salesforce application


  • Strikethrough text in Aha! previously did not display the strikethrough when passed through to JIRA.

  • The Zendesk unlink button for removing a linked idea from a Zendesk ticket disappeared. It has been restored.

  • Mouse scrolling wasn't working on the Reports - Starter roadmap page when published to web notebooks in Firefox and IE.

  • $IDEA_REF was not working when included found in the Thank you template subject line for submitted ideas. Set up for this is found in Settings - Account - Configure idea portals - [select portal] - Email branding. It has also been made available for use in all the other portal email template subjects and bodies.

  • Clicking on the Save and send test button for the idea portals Thank you email template was sometimes throwing an error message.

  • Inconsistent results were found between the Days to release field found in the release drawer and the Days to release reporting column.

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