
Aha! Roadmaps | To-dos

To-dos are a powerful way for you and your team to manage tasks that need to be completed. You can add to-dos to most record types and screens in your Aha! Roadmaps account.

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Create a to-do

There are three types of to-dos.

  • To-dos have a Name, Description, Assignee, and Due date. To-dos can also automatically recur. Assignees mark the to-do complete when they have completed the task.

  • Approval to-dos function like to-dos with two key differences:

    • They have additional resolution options. Users can choose to Approve, Approve with changes, or Reject an approval to-do.

    • They can be configured as part of a workflow approval gate in your status workflow, where they are assigned to a workflow approval group.

  • Work requests, available to Enterprise+ customers, are a way to assign work requests to other teams and automatically track progress.

    • Work requests are assigned to workspaces, not individuals, and any owner or contributor (or, if you choose member of a workspace-level custom user permissions role) can resolve the work request.

    • If a user accepts a work request, they then create a work item — such as an initiative, epic, or feature — to define and track the work.

    • Once that work has been created, Aha! Roadmaps creates record links automatically between the work items that you can visualize in many reports and roadmaps.

Features board with feature drawer and an approval to-do

You can create either type of to-do from the To-dos section of a record, including requirements attached to features and activities. Click the (+) button, select the to-do type, then fill out the to-do. Click Save to create your to-do, or click Click here to add another to create multiple to-dos.

If used as part of a fixed workflow, approval to-dos will appear automatically in the Workflow approvals section of a record.

To-dos do not have to be attached to an Aha! Roadmaps record. Click the + button in the upper righthand corner of your screen to create a private to-do.

You can standardize to-dos to ensure the requests you make to teammates have the right amount of information and context each time. Create a note template in your workspace for your to-do. Then add the template to your to-do description from the text editor toolbar when creating it.


Assign to-dos

When you create and assign a to-do, or add or remove to-do assignees, the relevant users receive an email and a notification from Aha! Roadmaps with a link back to the relevant record. You can also assign to-dos to yourself (though Aha! Roadmaps will not notify you in that case).

You can create a to-do three ways: from an individual record, through a fixed workflow, or by clicking the + dropdown in the upper right of Aha! Roadmaps to create a to-do not associated with any records. Users can choose to opt out of Aha! Roadmaps notifications on a per-workspace level, but since to-dos that aren't associated with any records also aren't associated with any workspace, users will always receive notifications about those to-dos.

Aha! Roadmaps sends notifications to to-do assignees one day before the due date, the day of the due date, and each day after the due date until the assignee completes the to-do.


Set up recurring to-dos

By default, a to-do is oriented around a single due date. But a recurring to-do can serve as a great reminder to complete tasks you perform on a regular basis. You can set a to-do to recur daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or on a custom schedule.

To create a recurring to-do:

  • Create a regular to-do, including a Due date.

  • Click the Recurring dropdown and select the repetition interval.

  • Once you select an interval, you can see the Due date for the next to-do iteration.

  • Click Save to create your to-do.

The next occurrence of a recurring to-do will be created in one of two scenarios (whichever comes first):

  • When everyone assigned to the current to-do has completed it.

  • When you reach the current to-do's Due date.

A few more details are helpful in knowing what to expect when you set a recurring to-do:

  • Every instance of a recurring to-do will use the original to-do's Name and Description.

  • When you edit a recurring to-do's Name, Description, Due date, or Assignee(s), you will have the option to apply your changes to future to-dos. Once you have finished editing, you will see an option at the top of the to-do to Update future to-dos.

  • When you delete a recurring to-do, you will have the option to Delete the single to-do or Delete and stop recurring.

  • If a to-do is never completed, the recurring to-do will still be created — but it will not be created until the due date of its preceding to-do.

  • Only current to-dos will appear in reporting. Recurring to-dos that the system has not yet created will not be included in reporting.


Organize to-dos

To-dos are manually sortable so they can be organized based on due date or other personal preferences. To sort, hover over a to-do until the cross appears. Then click and drag the to-do to your preferred order.

Feature details view with to-dos


Move to-dos

After adding a to-do to a record, you may find that it would be better located with better information. You can move a to-do from one record to another record from its More options menu. Just select Move to-do and use the search bar to find the record you would like to move it to. Then click Move to-do.

Feature drawer open in front of a features board, showing the ability to move a to-do.


Report on to-dos

Like any record type in Aha! Roadmaps, you can report on to-dos.

A pivot report of marketing approval to-dos
  • Build reports on to-dos and their associated attributes, such as assignee, status, and due date.

  • On any record using a fixed workflow, scroll down to the Workflow approvals section and click View in pivot report to view a pre-built report on the approvals by record and status transition.

  • Navigate to your My work page to get a quick snapshot of your to-dos, or to-dos for members of your team.


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