
This article refers to features. Depending on your workspace type, you may see “activities" in your workspace.

Aha! Roadmaps | Create a central workspace to manage all ideas

Ideas portals are just that: windows into a selection of ideas. When you create a portal, you get to choose who can access it and what sort of ideas they can see. Your ideas portal can include ideas from one, or multiple, workspaces. And the same workspace can be included in multiple portals. Even then, you can manage all the ideas in one place.

In some cases, you may wish to have several ideas portals linked to one workspace. For example, if you offer a suite of products and have separate ideas portals to capture feedback for each of them, you may still want to manage feedback for all of your products in one place. Your customers can access the portal(s) that are most relevant to them, and in Aha! Roadmaps you can review the ideas all at once in one central workspace.

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Getting started

Ideas overview page


Manage and promote ideas

  • From the Votes tab of an idea, glean greater context into its popularity with insights, including a chart showing voting trends over time.

  • There are great ideas in your portal but some may need more input before you prioritize or promote them. Pin ideas in a special section at the top of your portal so you can draw attention to specific requests and gather more feedback faster.

    • To share more information about the status of ideas submitted by customers, you can publish more details — like who the ideas is assigned to or what release it was shipped with — for an enhanced portal experience.

  • Set up a review process for new ideas. The team can meet to decide if ideas should be vetted further or be promoted directly to an initiative, epic, feature, or requirement in any workspace.


Considerations with this approach

Taking this centralized idea workspace approach for capturing ideas across a suite of workspaces can create simplicity for the person submitting the idea. However, here are a few considerations to discuss with before deciding on this approach for your team.

  • You may opt to use workspace names as idea categories which can then be selected as part of the idea submission process. This may be helpful when reviewing ideas that have been submitted to the workspace team to enable quick segmentation of the ideas.

  • You are unable to have unique idea submission fields per workspace since you are capturing all ideas at a single entity level. You need to put some thought into the required idea custom fields you wish to include in the idea submission form to capture key information spanning the suite of workspaces.


Suite overview
Aha! Roadmaps
      Account management
      Aha! Ideas
      Aha! Whiteboards
      Aha! Develop
      Release notes