
Aha! Roadmaps | How to share a report, roadmap, or view

Roadmaps and reports are essential to planning, executing, and measuring progress on your goals. They also help cross-functional teams align on the broader plan. You can configure a broad range of roadmap and report views in your Aha! account and share it with your teammates — so everyone can collaborate and align on your product strategy.

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Confirm user permissions

You will save and share roadmaps, reports, and views from the workspace level of your Aha! account. To follow along in this article, you will need:


User permissions

Create reports and roadmaps


Create custom folders in the Reports overview page


Share a saved view



Decide what you want to share

For this article, let's say we have a Gantt chart detailing our team's planned work in the next quarter. We want to share the Gantt chart with our team so that we can all stay aligned on our plans. We also want to share the view with other teams in our Aha! account. This lets the people responsible for critical work can collaborate and visualize cross-functional dependencies.

Gantt chart showing a release with phases and dependencies.

In this Gantt view, we have a multi-release view of a large project. The bars are colored by record status so everyone can see an item's workflow stage at a glance. Dependencies, release phases, and milestones help highlight important points in the roadmap. When we share this Gantt chart, other teams will be able to update it to reflect the aspects of our plan that they are responsible for.


Save a view

Now that the Gantt chart is ready, let's share it with people in our organization. If you want to follow along in your own Aha! account:

  • Navigate to Releases Gantt.

  • Examine your Gantt and ensure it is configured to your liking. Check that you have included all releases you want, that you have added relevant dependencies, and that the proposed timeline is correct.

  • Click to Views Save as.

  • Name the view. Our Gantt shows release progress, so we will name it "Q3 release progress."

  • Next to Share internally with, select one or more workspaces. Any Aha! user who belongs to the workspaces that we select will be able to access this view. If we want to share the view with someone outside our Aha! account, we can do that as well later.

  • Next to Save in, select a folder as the destination for the saved view. We will choose our home workspace where the Gantt was created to keep saved views well-organized.

The default folders available follow our Aha! account workspace hierarchy. We can always create our own custom folders to track a specific project or theme of work from the Reports overview page.

  • Use the dropdown next to Editing permissions to define permissions for the view. We want to ensure that cross-functional teams can add their work to our Gantt so that we can track our dependencies, so we are going to select View and edit.

  • Click Save view.


Share the view with your team

Now that our view has been saved and permissions are configured, we have several options to share it.

Only Aha! users with contributor permissions will be able to edit a saved view that you have shared with them.

To share the saved view with people in your Aha! account:

  • Share the view's URL with teammates internally. They can click the URL to access and collaborate on the Gantt.

  • Add the view to an Aha! presentation.

To share the saved view with people outside of your Aha! account:


If you get stuck, please reach out to our Customer Success team. Our team is made up entirely of product experts and responds fast.

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