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Aha! Roadmaps | Track capacity between Aha! Roadmaps and Jira

With the integrations 2.0 version of the Jira integration, teams can sync capacity (estimated by time or by story points) between Aha! Roadmaps and Jira for epics, features, and requirements. As with all development system integrations, you will need to be an owner in Aha! Roadmaps to configure capacity planning for individuals for your Jira integration.

Capacity planning for teams, available to Enterprise+ customers, introduces two different estimate fields for capacity planning.

  • The Initial estimate, often provided by product teams, is used in the capacity report and is not mappable through integrations.

  • The Detailed estimate, often provided by development teams, is mappable. Engineering teams can provide their own estimate in Jira, and that will flow back into Aha! Roadmaps so you can compare Initial and Detailed estimates separately.

Note: You will not be able to track capacity if your Jira project is in Legacy mode. It has been disabled by default in all Jira releases since 4.2.

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How it works

First, you need to enable capacity planning for individuals. Do this by navigating to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Capacity planning by checking the box for Capacity for individuals.

If you do not see this option, you might be in a workspace line instead of a workspace.

If you had capacity planning enabled prior to setting up your Jira integration, the capacity mappings will already be preconfigured with our default recommendations.

If you did not have capacity planning enabled prior to setting up your Jira integration, you will need to go to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Integrations and edit your integration's field mappings to incorporate the capacity planning fields.

You will then be able to set your integration mappings for epics, features, and requirements to include Estimate (Detailed and Remaining), Work units, and Work done fields. Linking these fields for all three record types gives you the flexibility to set the estimate at the right level for each work item. The integration supports either time-based or story point estimates.

And don't worry — if you are configuring capacity planning with an existing integration, you can use the Update records functionality to pull your estimates from Jira into Aha! Roadmaps for your existing integrated records.


Recommended mappings

When configuring the capacity planning field mappings, you will notice various options for each field.

If you are using time-based capacity planning estimates, we recommended using the <Record type> only fields for both the Aha! Roadmaps and Jira side, e.g. Detailed estimate (feature only).

This option automatically accounts for differences in how Aha! Roadmaps and Jira aggregate capacity estimates between workspace and child records. In Jira, the total capacity estimate is calculated as the value for the record plus the value of all contained sub-tasks. In Aha! Roadmaps, if you set capacity estimates at the requirement level, the capacity for the feature is the sum of the requirement estimates.

The <Record type> only option will only sync the estimate if the estimate is explicit at the record level. This means if you have a feature containing requirements where the estimates are captured at the requirement level, then the feature's estimate (which would be the total of the requirements) is not sent to Jira. This option prevents issues where the differences between how Jira and Aha! Roadmaps aggregate estimates would cause duplication of estimates.

If you are using story point-based capacity planning estimates, you generally won't be logging work completed. For that reason, we recommend navigating to Settings ⚙️ Workspace Configure, and changing the Remaining estimate field to Add as logged time. This way as your teams complete epics, features, and requirements, the record will show as done in capacity reports.


Other options

  • Including sub-tasks: This Jira-side field mapping option is useful if you do not have sub-tasks mapped in your integration but wish to visualize estimates related to sub-tasks within Aha! Roadmaps. It will take the aggregate estimates of all Jira sub-tasks plus the Jira standard issue and send that through to the corresponding Aha! Roadmaps field.

  • Including estimates calculated from a child record: This field mapping option from the Aha! Roadmaps side is primarily useful in situations where you are performing estimates at the child record level in Aha! Roadmaps but not syncing the child records themselves to Jira. For example, if you were to perform estimation in Aha! Roadmaps at the requirement level but only send the feature to Jira, you would need to use this option to ensure the calculated estimate from the requirements is sent to Jira through the Aha! Roadmaps feature.


If you get stuck, please reach out to our Customer Success team. Our team is made up entirely of product experts and responds fast.

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