
Aha! Develop | Report on Aha! Develop records in Aha! Roadmaps

Development work comes in all scopes and sizes. Small requirements and large features might populate the same workflow board, or features might live in the same sprint that kicks off a new epic. This flexibility helps your development team focus on the work, not the record types — so you can get more done.

When it comes time to report on completed items, you do not need to remember the exact Aha! Develop record type. If you have connected your Aha! Develop account with Aha! Roadmaps, you can build custom reports to track all development work in one place.

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Product teams in Aha! Roadmaps define their work in discrete record types — from strategic initiatives through releases down to features and requirements. While it is certainly possible to report on more than one record type at a time, product teams often know the primary record type they are interested in when they first build a custom report or roadmap.

Development teams, by contrast, might focus more on work in progress than Aha! Develop record type. When they build custom reports (or when product teams in connected accounts want to report on development progress), they need to see a mix of record types in one report.

To accomplish this, use the Epics, features, requirements table when you build a custom report. This will pull all development work items into one report.


Report on Aha! Develop records

The Epics, features, requirements report table is available in the following reports:

  • List reports

  • Pivot tables

  • Charts

To create a new report, navigate to the report builder:

  • In Aha! Roadmaps, navigate to Roadmaps List, Pivot, or Chart

  • In Aha! Develop, navigate to Reports List, Pivot, or Chart

Click Create new report, then follow the report builder to create your custom report or chart. In the Select records step, add the Epics, features, requirements table (in the Advanced section) to get started.

  • If you have customized the terminology for your Aha! Develop team, the Epics, features, requirements table will respect that customized terminology (e.g. Epics, user stories, tasks).

  • The Select records step also includes three individual tables for Epics, Features, or Requirements. These tables will report on the single record type, and are most useful for Aha! Roadmaps users. If you want to report on Aha! Develop work items, it usually makes sense to use the combined table.

Follow the remaining steps in the report builder to create your report. Like any report in your Aha! account, you can add multiple Fields and pre-filter your report with each Filter you add.

Don't forget to Save your report when you have it configured correctly. This way you can come back to it, and Share it with your teammates.


Highlight stalled records

Ideally, your team's work moves through its workflow efficiently. If something gets stuck midway, that can be a sign that the work is inadequately defined — or that your team has a bottleneck. You can highlight records that have spent a long time in a particular workflow status by customizing your reports.

It can be useful to analyze records that spent a long time in a given status. To do this:

  • Create a report in Aha! Roadmaps or Aha! Develop.

  • Add a Data column for Record time in team status.

In Aha! Roadmaps you will first need to select a record type. In Aha! Develop you can just select Records as your record type.

  • Add a filter for Record days in team status.

Analyze the available data as you see fit — sort the list view by records that spent the longest time in their current status, or filter by a particular number of days in a workflow status.

You can also choose to color record cards by their time in a particular status — on the pages where your team completes work in Aha! Develop. To do this:

  • In Plan Sprint planning or Work Board, click Customize view Customize card layout.

  • Under the gear drowdown in the upper right corner, click Card highlight and select Time in status (sidebar).

The cards on your page will now show the following colors to indicate the time in their current workflow status:

Time in status


Less than three days


Three to six days


Six to nine days


More than nine days


Only Aha! Develop records can show time in team status.


Report on at-risk work

Risk indicators in Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop do more than keep individual records on track. Taken together, they uncover workflow bottlenecks, overly-optimistic delivery schedules, and over-tasked or struggling teammates. Report on risk indicators to analyze high-level risks that your plans are exposed to — and start the insightful conversations that will help you deliver on time with confidence.

Delivery risk report showing at risk records in a sprint.

Your primary tool in this effort is the delivery risk report. Available to Aha! Develop Advanced plan customers, the delivery risks report highlights all records in a sprint that have been automatically or manually flagged as at risk. Thanks to alerts on the program increments view, this report is especially effective for teams that use the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) for planning and delivering software. But any team that uses sprints will see significant benefits.

The delivery risks report separates work into At risk or On track, so you can sort records in your selected sprint(s) at a glance.

  • Filter the report to include specific records, and to group work by Release, strategic Initiative, Aha! Roadmaps Workspace, individual Aha! Develop Team member, or Sprint.

  • Hover over any column in the report to see the status, sprint, and record count of that data point.

  • Click on a section of the report to generate a pre-built list report of all records in that sprint. Click on any record to open a drawer view and adjust details. The report will update automatically with any new information.

Then, start conversations.

  • If a record was automatically flagged, was the risk alert appropriate? Does it indicate broader workflow or process trouble?

  • If a record was manually flagged, discuss it. Is a teammate over capacity? Is there a dependency here that has not been documented?

You can also use the full suite of Aha! reports to follow your curiosity. Both Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop include list reports, pivot tables, and charts. Use these to visualize risks, update manually flagged records, and track your team's risk exposure over time.

Note: Remember, you can only report on risks indicators that you have enabled for records created in your workspace or team.

  • Use the [Record] delivery risks field for a summary of all risks on a given record.

  • Use the [Record] at risk: [Risk] fields to track individual risk indicators.

  • Use the [Record] at risk: Flagged record comment field to include comments on manually flagged records.

Note: Because work in Aha! Develop can span epics, features, and requirements — all in the same sprint or on the same workflow board — you can use the Epics, features, requirements table to pull all these Aha! Develop records into one report or chart.


Report on backlog features

Product and development teams need to carefully align development efforts with overall product roadmaps — so that the most critical work is being addressed. Report on your prioritized backlog in Aha! Develop to get a better understanding of what is coming across multiple development teams.

Add the Prioritized backlog rank field to your list, chart, or pivot reports for visibility into your team's priorities so you can align on what work the team will take on next and ensure the delivery of high-value features.

Adding the feature prioritized backlog rank field to a report


Best practices

You can customize your reports in any way that is useful to you. Here are a few suggestions:

  • You can create multiple versions of the same report for different audiences. Try creating one that reports on development progress for an Aha! Develop team, and another that combines records from Aha! Develop teams and Aha! Roadmaps workspaces.

  • Pivot tables help summarize work in progress. Try building a pivot with Workspace name in rows, Record team status in columns, and Record name in cells. This will give you a picture of development progress across all your Aha! Develop teams.

  • Aha! Roadmaps users in your Aha! account have access to dashboards! Add multiple reports and charts to a single dashboard, so your audience can have an at-a-glance visualization of your development work.

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