
What is product documentation?

Last updated: September 2024

Product documentation refers to any material that describes your product's features, functions, and usage. You might also call it a hub, help center, or product wiki. It includes everything from user guides and release notes to best practices for the product team.

Product documentation is a valuable resource for anyone involved with the product:

  • Product managers use documentation to communicate requirements and align stakeholders, ensuring the product meets it goals.

  • Developers rely on it to understand new feature requests, write consistent code, and troubleshoot issues.

  • Customers turn to documentation to understand how the product works and how to use it effectively.

Manage all your product documentation in Aha! Knowledge — try it for free

Well-crafted product documentation serves as a source of truth, providing clarity across teams and users. It equips everyone with the knowledge they need to interact with the product confidently. So what exactly is included in product documentation? Keep on reading for answers to these questions and more. Use the following links to jump ahead to a specific section:

And for even more information on this subject, visit the resources in the following list and our FAQs at the end of this guide.


What does product documentation include?

At Aha! we use the term "document" to refer to just about any type of information. For instance, an internal knowledge base at a software company houses resources that cross-functional teams need to plan, build, and deliver the company's products, as well as team-specific notes and onboarding materials. An external knowledge base includes anything customers need to get started and make the most of your software. (More on internal vs. external product documentation below.)

In both examples, the knowledge you share can take several forms depending on your audience and what you need to communicate. Product documentation can look like:

We use all of the above in our product documentation for internal and external folks. And centralize it all within our own knowledge base software specifically designed for product teams.


Internal vs. external product documentation

At a basic level, internal and external product documentation serves different audiences. But their objectives are similar: to help people learn something essential or successfully complete a task.

We think of our internal documentation as a companywide playbook that details on how we work, make product decisions, and deliver new functionality to customers. This playbook also includes information such as product positioning, user personas, and customer research.

Our external knowledge base is geared toward customers — first-time trialers and more seasoned users alike. It includes how-to articles, best practices, and videos on how to use the Aha! software suite.

Let's take a closer look at the differences:

Internal knowledge base

External knowledge base


Internal teams and colleagues

Prospective and paying customers


To help the team work together by boosting healthy collaboration, knowledge sharing, and efficiency

To help customers get started with your product quickly, solve common problems independently, read about new features and capabilities, and learn advanced functionality



Aha! has companywide documentation, but each team also maintains its own docs.


Support documentation is often created by product marketing, technical writers, or the customer support team.

Common contents

Product documentation templates

Knowledge base software can help you manage both internal and external product documentation. For example, a purpose-built tool like Aha! Knowledge enables you to plan, draft, and deliver knowledge bases tailored to any audience. Our software includes product documentation templates like the ones below to help you get started.

Knowledge base article template

Knowledge base article large

Knowledge base FAQs template

Knowledge base FAQs large

Product announcements template

Product announcements large

Regardless of knowledge base type, the job of creating and maintaining product documentation is never truly "done." You will continually update, refine, and adjust the information as your product and team evolve. The more effort you put into it, the more invested people will be in the value you create.

FAQs about product documentation

What is the difference between product documentation and a product requirements document (PRD)?

Product documentation encompasses all materials describing a product’s features and usage for both internal teams and external users. A product requirements document (PRD), on the other hand, is an internal blueprint created by product managers and used by development, marketing, sales, and executive teams to align on product goals and guide the product development process. Although product documentation evolves with the product, the PRD defines what needs to be built.

Who is responsible for creating product documentation?

Product documentation is typically a collaborative effort. Product managers provide the foundational details, while technical writers or knowledge base managers create user-friendly guides and content. Developers contribute to technical aspects like API documentation, and customer support teams sometimes produce troubleshooting guides. Designers may add visual elements to enhance understanding.

What tools are commonly used for creating product documentation?

Well, we think Aha! Knowledge is the best way to centralize and create all your product documents. Quickly set up internal information hubs and self-serve product knowledge bases to bring together notes and diagrams. Capture product materials in the format that makes sense and streamline your document management process. Use an AI-powered writing assistant to quickly draft high-quality content, and choose from more than 100 expertly crafted templates — or create your own — to create information in a consistent way.