From Brian

Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!

Collection890 articles
What Is Needed for Real Enterprise Transformation
February 20, 2018
What Is Needed for Real Enterprise Transformation

I want to begin with three business truths. The first is that most companies will need to fundamentally change to better serve customers. The second is that the…

Hey Boss: Your “Open Door” Policy Is a Joke
February 15, 2018
Hey Boss: Your “Open Door” Policy Is a Joke

The big boss strolls into the big corner office. “Remember, my door is always open,” they call out to the team. If this sounds like the start of a bad joke, that is…

The 3 Types of Enterprise Transformation
February 13, 2018
The 3 Types of Enterprise Transformation

What does transformation really mean? Merriam-Webster dictionary offers a grounded and elegant definition: “The act or process of changing completely.” Interestingly, I…

4 Ways Being Nice Is Hurting Your Career
February 12, 2018
4 Ways Being Nice Is Hurting Your Career

Are we morally obligated to always tell the truth? What about telling a small fib with good intentions? White lies are one of those things that give deep thinkers fits.…

Why This CEO Does Not Believe in Digital Transformation
February 6, 2018
Why This CEO Does Not Believe in Digital Transformation

This CEO does not believe in digital transformation. Why? Because you should go beyond digital to a customer-focused enterprise transformation.

The Founder’s Paradox: So You Want a Team of Superstars?
February 1, 2018
The Founder’s Paradox: So You Want a Team of Superstars?

Pelé. Beyonce. Chavez. Oprah. Salk. Magic. There are some names that require no explanation. You know exactly who these superstars are. The level of talent and impact…

19 Big Myths About Remote Work
January 29, 2018
19 Big Myths About Remote Work

I feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day. You know that feeling when you keep having the same conversation again and again? You try to be patient. But you feel…

Why Good Product Managers Need to Be Great Project Managers
January 25, 2018
Why Good Product Managers Need to Be Great Project Managers

Should good product managers be great project managers? Learn the six ways product managers can develop their project management skills.

Hey Boss: I’m Drowning in Meetings
January 22, 2018
Hey Boss: I’m Drowning in Meetings

You versus your calendar. You are fighting for time to get your real work done. Nervously eyeing the clock. Each day is a relentless sprint from meeting to meeting. But…

Do Your Company’s Core Values Mirror Your Own Values?
January 17, 2018
Do Your Company’s Core Values Mirror Your Own Values?

Ideally your core values will line up with the company you work for. But that does not always happen. Learn how you can live true to your values when the values of your…

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