Aha! product launches

Every release is a gift. From enhancements to major new functionality, get caught up with the most recent product updates.

Collection246 articles
Plan Work Capacity for Teams in Story Points
February 9, 2022
Plan Work Capacity for Teams in Story Points

Every product team handles capacity planning differently. Your approach will vary based on a number of factors — such as the timeline for achieving your roadmap, team…

Visualize Sprint Performance in Aha! Develop With the New Velocity Report
February 3, 2022
Visualize Sprint Performance in Aha! Develop With the New Velocity Report

Are you an optimist? When it comes to sprint planning, I would bet most of us have an optimism bias. We overestimate what we can get done in a given time period. On one…

A More Efficient Way To Close Out Sprints With Aha! Develop
January 27, 2022
A More Efficient Way To Close Out Sprints With Aha! Develop

The current sprint is over. It is time to plan the next one. But first things first — how will you handle the work that was not delivered? You might discuss those tasks…

Add Custom Tabs to Record Layouts in Aha! Roadmaps
January 26, 2022
Add Custom Tabs to Record Layouts in Aha! Roadmaps

Design details. Financial metrics. Compliance regulations. These are just a few examples of how teams use custom fields in Aha! Roadmaps to store important data about…

Bulk Assign Features in Aha! Roadmaps to Engineering in Aha! Develop
January 20, 2022
Bulk Assign Features in Aha! Roadmaps to Engineering in Aha! Develop

Your roadmap is set. You have clearly defined features and releases full of customer value. Now it is time to pass those features over to the engineering team — to bring…

Share visual roadmaps with customers via ideas portals
January 19, 2022
Share visual roadmaps with customers via ideas portals

Eighteen thousand ideas portals. Three million ideas. Altogether our customers collect an incredible amount of information from their own customers via portals in Aha!…

New CircleCI Extension for Aha! Develop
January 13, 2022
New CircleCI Extension for Aha! Develop

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) tools help engineers ship high-quality code faster. But it can be hard to keep track of the build status for your branches…

A Better Way To Visualize What Engineering Is Working On
January 7, 2022
A Better Way To Visualize What Engineering Is Working On

Consider a world where product managers have real-time visibility into engineering priorities and progress. Greater visibility leads to better alignment and happier, more…

Release Templates Now Skip Weekends
January 5, 2022
Release Templates Now Skip Weekends

Ambitious launches require thoughtful plans. Success depends in large part on the product team working efficiently together. Everyone must be aligned on what needs to get…

Most popular new Aha! features launched in Q4 2021
December 22, 2021
Most popular new Aha! features launched in Q4 2021

What does it take for product teams to be happy? I believe it comes down to delivering real value — for customers and the business. You need to have the right people in…

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