You Don't Work for the Money
I grew up in Los Angeles where there were good looking people, fancy cars, and big houses. And it cost a bundle to look your best and buy the “good things” in life. I…
Uncensored advice about product development and building a high-growth software company from Brian de Haaff, co-founder and CEO at Aha!
I grew up in Los Angeles where there were good looking people, fancy cars, and big houses. And it cost a bundle to look your best and buy the “good things” in life. I…
Building a great product is hard, but it should not be excruciating. And marketing, selling, and supporting a product with potential should be a joy too. That is why…
There are “open marriages” and “open doors” and this is the story of an “open network.” It’s not about the networks that send bits back and forth — but the ones used for…
No matter how flat organizations are today they still have structure and with structure comes power — and often the abuse of it. I have wanted to take this topic on for…
If you ever spent time around a pool as a kid — someone yelled at you “walk don’t run!” I was reminded of that yesterday while on vacation in Kauai, Hawai‘i. I watched…
Agile software development is effective, but it is not designed for setting strategy and product direction. Learn how to be a strategy-drivien agile team.
If you are reading this — you probably are not the type of person to give up easily. Either am I. You are ambitious and skilled and continue to push forward regardless of…
I keep finding myself telling people that marketing has profoundly changed. In the last few days, I have told the same story at a fundraiser to an attorney, at a soccer…
A product manager is nothing without a strong product team and capable engineers. You may have the greatest product strategy and visual roadmap ever crafted — but if you…
Creating great products is invigorating. And employees who have a chance to be creative should be the happiest people on earth. But your company probably never fully…
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