My Name Is Spencer Abrams — This Is Why I Joined Aha!
I started with odd jobs. My family owns and operates a trucking company in Rushville, Indiana. From the age of 12, I did anything I could to help — painting, cleaning,…
We are a very different type of software company. Discover our newest product enhancements and explore behind-the-scenes company stories.
I started with odd jobs. My family owns and operates a trucking company in Rushville, Indiana. From the age of 12, I did anything I could to help — painting, cleaning,…
Delivering against your strategy is only possible if everyone understands what they need to do. For example, if your goal is to increase revenue by 30 percent, you need…
Easy to scan. Easy to understand. Tables are a powerful way to categorize and share important information. You can present content without overwhelming your audience. Our…
Creativity runs in my family. I come from a long line of inventors, painters, and crafters. My parents always encouraged me to explore my artistic side. As a kid, I spent…
“Is the release on track and what features will ship with it?” Keeping others informed of new functionality is an important part of your everyday work. The features…
Strategy, roadmaps, and reports — they all have something in common. Words. This is why we continue to invest in making the Aha! text editor an exceptional experience.…
I never imagined that I would talk with our company about a pandemic. But for many leaders, last week brought the unimaginable. It did for me on Wednesday, which I…
It only got me in trouble a few times. As a kid, I loved taking things apart — especially electronics — to try to understand the inner workings. I destroyed a few items…