
This article discusses functionality that is included in the Aha! Knowledge Advanced plan. Please contact us if you would like a live demo or want to try using it in your account.

Aha! Roadmaps | Publish a knowledge base

Give customers and colleagues one place to access everything they need to successfully use your product. Create a knowledge base in just a couple of clicks.

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Aha! Knowledge Advanced subscribers can publish documents in a workspace to a live knowledge base. To create a knowledge base, you will select a parent note to use as the root document of your knowledge base. It will be your knowledge base's home page. All of the child documents nested beneath it in your workspace will be included in your knowledge base as well, mirroring the document hierarchy you have set up.

Once your knowledge base is live, you can customize it in your knowledge base settings.

To get going quickly, gather the workspace documents you want to publish into one organized hierarchy, nested under a parent document.

Only customization admins can create and customize new knowledge bases in your account, but users with contributor access to a workspace can publish changes to a live knowledge base.


Create a new knowledge base

If you are a customization admin, you can create a new knowledge base in a few steps. There are two different ways to get started:

  • From account level settings: Navigate to Settings ⚙️ Account Knowledge bases. Then click Add knowledge base.

  • From a document: Click the Share menu on a parent document. Access its Web tab and click Settings.

The Create knowledge base window will open. Follow the prompts for each step, clicking Next to advance:

  • Title: Enter a knowledge base title. This will appear on the browser tab when someone views your knowledge base.

    the create your knowledge base screen with the title field
  • Document: Select the root document to publish your knowledge base. This is the parent document that will serve as your knowledge base homepage. All its children nested beneath it in your workspace will be published along with it.

  • Workflow: Select a publishing workflow. This controls when documents are published to your knowledge base.

  • Color: Choose a color. This color will be used on all links in your knowledge base.

  • Click Create knowledge base.

    a message that your knowledge base is ready with a link to edit documents

Your knowledge base is ready! You can now click Edit documents to navigate directly to the parent document in your workspace to edit your knowledge base's content. Or access your knowledge base settings to customize your knowledge base navigation, add password protection, upload a logo, and more.


Configure your publishing workflow

A knowledge base's publishing workflow determines when changes made to documents will be visible on the live website. You selected a publishing workflow when you created your knowledge base, but a customization admin can update it in your knowledge base settings.

There are two publishing workflows to choose from:

Publish as you write

Choose this workflow if you want changes to your documents to be visible in the published knowledge base immediately.

a workspace document that is published in a knowledge base

When using the Publish as you write workflow, documents that are live in a knowledge base will have a dot next them in your workspace documents, with a green dot next to all published documents and a yellow dot next to documents with unpublished changes. Each document will also indicate at the top that it is shared in a knowledge base.

Publish after drafting

Choose this workflow if you want to make edits to your documents and then publish those changes when you are ready. Documents in knowledge bases using this workflow display status indicators:

  • Green dot: Documents displaying a green dot in the document list are published and have not had unpublished changes applied to them.

  • Yellow dot: Documents displaying a yellow dot in the document list are published documents that have unpublished changes applied. When opened in your workspace, they will display an Unpublished changes label in the upper right.

  • Gray dot: Documents displaying a gray dot in the document list are drafts. They have not yet been published to your knowledge base. When opened in your workspace, they will display a Draft label in the upper right.

a workspace document with unpublished changes

To preview a page before publishing it, click the Preview button next to the Publish button. A preview of your page will open. Click Close preview to return to your workspace documents.

To publish drafts or documents with unpublished changes, click the green Publish button in the upper right. If you are publishing a parent document and also want to publish the child documents nested beneath it, use the dropdown on the publish button to select Publish with children. Anyone with contributor access to a workspace can publish drafts or updates.

Click the More options menu on any document in your knowledge base and select Full width in knowledge bases to publish the document in full width.


Add documents

You may have documents in other workspaces that you want to include in your knowledge base. You can add additional folders and parent documents to your knowledge base from your knowledge base settings.

  • From Settings ⚙️ Account Knowledge bases, click the More options menu next to the knowledge base you want to add to. Then click Edit to open its settings

  • Navigate to the Documents tab.

  • Click Add documents.

  • Select the workspace where the documents you want to add are located from the dropdown menu. A list of the workspace's documents will populate.

  • Click the + next to the documents you want to add to your knowledge base. You can add as many documents as you want.

  • Click Select documents.

You can drag and drop documents and folder you have added to your knowledge base to control the order they appear in your published knowledge base's left navigation.


Create a homepage

Add a homepage to serve as a front door for your knowledge base. This helps you empower visitors to find the information they need, fast.

  • Navigate to the Homepage tab of your knowledge base settings.

  • Customize the homepage's Title and Headline.

  • Select whether you want to show your logo, knowledge base title, and search bar.

  • Upload a banner image.

  • Add as many sections as you need to help users browse categories or highlight popular articles.

When you have created your homepage, scroll to the bottom of your Homepage settings to enable it.


View your knowledge base

Documents in your workspace that are published will have a link to their published version at the top of the document. Click it to visit your knowledge base.

Customization administrators can navigate to Settings ⚙️ Account Knowledge bases to see a list of all the published knowledge bases in your account, with links to each live knowledge base.

Read our article on visitor experience for an overview of published knowledge bases.


Report on publishing events

See an audit log of all publishing events for your knowledge base. Account customizations administrators can generate a list report of all publishing events from your account customization settings.

Navigate to Settings ⚙️ Account Knowledge bases. Access the More options menu to the right of a knowledge base and select View all publish events.

A list report will open with a log of publish events for all knowledge bases providing details about what was published, when, and by whom. Filter the report narrow in on the publishing events you are looking for.

a list report of knowledge base publishing events


Publish updates in bulk

You can publish updates to your knowledge base in bulk from a list report of your knowledge base's documents.

  • Create a list report of your documents.

  • Filter your list by knowledge base. Add a column for Document publishing status so you can see each document's status.

  • Check the boxes next to the documents you want to publish.

  • Click Bulk edit.

    The bulk editing window open on a list report of documents. The publishing status checkbox is selected the publish is selected
  • Find the Publishing status field and select Publish. Then click Apply to publish in bulk.


Create a custom publishing role

Create a custom role to control who can publish knowledge base content with or without approval. The following permissions are available to add to the custom role:

  • Publish knowledge bases: Only users with this permission will be able to publish drafts to your knowledge base.

  • Publish knowledge bases with warning: Users with this permission can publish drafts to the knowledge base, but they will be given a warning confirmation when they do.

With custom publishing roles in place, only users with one of these roles enabled will be able to publish drafts to your knowledge base.


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