Just Launched! — Visualize Strategic Goals and Initiatives With Custom Charts
Great products start with a clear vision and strategy. You need to know where you are headed and why. And every business has a strategy that is unique to their…
Great products start with a clear vision and strategy. You need to know where you are headed and why. And every business has a strategy that is unique to their…
Everyone is talking these days about “Pokemon Go.” Nintendo’s augmented reality game is sending kids and grownups wandering into the streets searching for Pokestops. The…
This is how I became a product manager. I was 24 years old and meeting with the CEO of the startup I had joined a year earlier. I was there to tell him I was interested…
Do you have a favorite movie quote? Read these 9 inspirational movie quotes to get in touch with your inner entrepreneur.
Building a product that is meaningful and lasting is tough. It’s also a remarkable experience when it happens. Once you get a taste of product success, nothing else will…
Product managers are a relatively new position at companies big and small. In order to summarize the very high expectations that come with the role, job descriptions…
Summer is in full swing. Time to pack up the car and head out for a holiday. Time to get outside, enjoy the sunshine, and kick back — right?
Successful products grow. That’s what we all want, right? And as your product matures, your backlog naturally grows along with it. This means there are more releases,…
The tide is turning for some startups. I have seen the worried faces in Silicon Valley — and they are not without reason. Funds that were easy to snag in the past are now…
It is still a tough job market out there. And some folks will go to great lengths to get noticed by employers and recruiters. Jobseekers even grab headlines for the…