The 3 Types of Enterprise Transformation
What does transformation really mean? Merriam-Webster dictionary offers a grounded and elegant definition: “The act or process of changing completely.” Interestingly, I…
What does transformation really mean? Merriam-Webster dictionary offers a grounded and elegant definition: “The act or process of changing completely.” Interestingly, I…
Are we morally obligated to always tell the truth? What about telling a small fib with good intentions? White lies are one of those things that give deep thinkers fits.…
It starts off with the best intentions. You are planning an upcoming release and notice that the support documentation needs to be updated. You could turn to a teammate…
Have you ever spent way too long piecing together a puzzle of Excel printouts? I know I have. Aside from the paper cuts, it was especially annoying because I spent a…
“I am just too busy to read.” This is what people usually say when I ask for book recommendations. But are you really too busy? I would argue that there are things you…
This CEO does not believe in digital transformation. Why? Because you should go beyond digital to a customer-focused enterprise transformation.
I have a confession to make. I used to hate emojis. I would never use them. Why react to a message with a smiley face or a tiny gif of a party parrot when you could use…
It started with a trip to the bookstore. As a kid, I had always enjoyed tinkering with things. So when I spotted a book on web design, I was intrigued. I asked my mom if…
Pelé. Beyonce. Chavez. Oprah. Salk. Magic. There are some names that require no explanation. You know exactly who these superstars are. The level of talent and impact…
You are in a deep Slack conversation with the product team. Finalizing launch details. Making product trade-off decisions and agreeing on how an important new feature…