
Connect to the roadmap

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Build what users value

Tie technical work directly to the product roadmap — establishing a strategic through line as work moves within your development process

Keep strategic priorities at the forefront of agile development
Connect product and engineering workflows to streamline collaboration
Highlight engineering progress and report on product value delivered
Develop / Roadmaps - understand the vision

Understand the 'why'

Connect Aha! Develop with Aha! Roadmaps to create a unified product development environment. No mapping between tools is needed, ensuring a smooth transition as you go from planning to implementation. Better still, engineering can see how every feature contributes to strategic goals and initiatives — keeping everyone aligned on priority and impact.

Develop / Roadmaps - Prioritize

Prioritize what matters

Plan what to build in Aha! Roadmaps. Define new features and rank them in order of priority based on their product value scores. Then, assign work to the right engineering team in Aha! Develop. The score carries over along with all the details about the work, providing clarity on importance. This helps you prioritize roadmap-driven and engineering work within a single backlog everyone agrees on.

Work closely together

Create a realistic delivery plan. Work items (such as epics, features, and requirements) share the same underlying data in Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop. This makes it easy for product and engineering to collaborate on estimates, scope, dependencies, and timing throughout the planning process — and adjust the overarching roadmap as needed.

Increase development transparency

Increase transparency

Provide accurate updates on engineering progress. As work gets underway in Aha! Develop, key information — such as which sprint a feature is assigned to and the workflow status — automatically updates in Aha! Roadmaps. You can also include delivery risks in reports, including stalled work or unexpected technical problems, to get ahead of potential issues and ship on schedule.

Sprint retrospective report in Aha! Develop.

Showcase team achievement

Highlight the positive impact your engineering team creates. Automatically calculate the completion percentage of strategic goals and initiatives in Aha! Roadmaps based on the progress of underlying features in Aha! Develop. Reflect on release and sprint performance using powerful retrospective reports to improve productivity and deliver even more value.