Inside the World's Most Pet-Friendly Tech Company
March 17, 2016

Inside the World's Most Pet-Friendly Tech Company

by Brian de Haaff

There are plenty of benefits to working remotely: You can work from anywhere you want, spend more time with the kids, save on gas costs, and exercise at a time that works best for you.

All that is well and good, but the truth is sometimes we just want to stay home with our pets. Now, some companies allow pets to make the occasional office visit and call that a perk. And that’s nice, but it seems limiting.

So just forget about the office: Your home is the most pet-friendly place to work. And if your company is like ours, you are the most pet-friendly company in the world.

At Aha! many of us prefer to work with our furry friends right at our sides, and I understand why. Although our family had to say goodbye to our beloved golden retriever, Cooper, a few years ago, I know that having a pet adds more joy to your life — and particularly your workday.

Pets make us happy, and science backs that up as well: Petting a dog can lower a person’s blood pressure, and interacting with animals increases the feel-good hormone oxytocin.

But how often can you get that warm and fuzzy feeling at the office? Not too often, I suspect. Plus, working alongside your pets helps work go more smoothly. Nothing beats taking the dog for a walk to gain a fresh perspective on a stubborn problem.

So, without further ado, here is what our team has to say about their furry business partners at the world’s most pet-friendly tech company, Aha!

Millie & Luna (pictured above) “Working remotely with my dogs is simply one of the best job perks. They are a natural stress reliever. When I’m overwhelmed, I can simply rub my nose against their faces and they’ll reciprocate with an enthusiastic kiss. That’s all I need at that moment to help soothe my nerves. After lunch, a short walk with the dogs around the block is refreshing and energizing. They are simply the best office mates.” – Ray Galang


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“Bear, who is a Wheaten terrier, follows me into my office in the mornings to start my day and keep me company. Most of the day he sleeps in the other room, but he comes to get me when it is time for dinner with the family!” – Melissa Hopkins


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“Working remotely has enabled me to form a closer bond with my cat Charlie. He likes to spend time with me whilst I work in the office and will often jump up on the desk to have a nap or watch what is happening on my computer screen (although he gets shut out during a customer demo!) He’s become noticeably more sociable and we can both enjoy more of each other’s company.” – Justin Woods


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“Snowball usually sleeps on the balcony and sits by me during the day. When I have a difficult problem to solve and need some thinking time, I pet him while I think (kind of like stroking your chin, but fluffier!) This helps me get into a pattern of thinking that is integral to logical problem-solving. I also talk to him about the problem (talking out loud helps uncover the logical steps to solve a problem.) Though he generally doesn’t talk back, he just sticks his tongue out and smiles, like he knew the solution the whole time.” – Toray Altas


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“Kato is a Shiba Inu, but people often mistake him for a fox. You could say he has a little wild animal in him. The breed dates back to the 19th century. They were trained to hunt small game in the mountains of northern Japan. There are obviously no mountains for him in Texas, but he still needs plenty of exercise. Working remotely allows me to take him on a walk during the day. We usually frequent a lake a few miles from my house. And that’s made life more enjoyable for both of us.” – Keith Brown

Maya & Kiwi

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“Kiwi, our grey short-haired tabby, has wanted a little sister for years. Working remotely allowed us the opportunity to rescue Maya Luna, our two-toned Malt-tzu, from a local shelter. When Maya is not at her other “job” (also a dog-friendly office), the two of them enjoy lounging around the Aha! home office together.” – Jamey Iaccino


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“I now get to hang out with Fletch, our lab-border collie, every day. He takes his role of watchdog seriously and alerts me to the comings and goings of everyone in the household (and the neighborhood). The summertime is the best, though, because he snuggles right next to me while I work outside on my porch.” – Shalleen Mayes

Chili & Pepper

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“My dogs used to be crated while my wife and I were at work during the day. Now that I work remotely, they are spoiled and spend all day sleeping next to me. I love being able to keep an eye on them during the day and it is great to know they no longer need to be locked up!” – Danny Archer

Marlie & Henry

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“Now that I work remotely, I can hang out with our Australian shepherd, Marlie, and her feline buddy, Henry. Both were rescue animals and we couldn’t have adopted two friendlier and more entertaining pets. They provide a source of relaxation through the day, whether it is taking a short break to pet them or getting out for a quick walk and fresh air with Marlie. The only challenge is when Henry makes it known that he isn’t getting enough attention and decides to stake himself out on my laptop.” – Matt Case

So, how many office-bound folks can pop out for 15 minutes to take Fido around the block, or draft an article with their cat purring happily on their lap?

That’s why (at least for us) we think of Aha! as the world’s most pet-friendly tech company. We get to work remotely and do what we love with our pets right at our sides.

And you cannot put a price on a perk like that!

We think pets make the best work-mates, and bet you do too. Tweet a picture of your pet to us at @aha_io (hopefully at your home office) and we will retweet it!

Brian de Haaff

Brian de Haaff

Brian seeks business and wilderness adventure. He is the co-founder and CEO of Aha! — the world’s #1 product development software — and the author of the bestseller Lovability and The Startup Adventure newsletter. Brian writes and speaks about product and company growth and the journey of pursuing a meaningful life.

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