My name is Scott Goldblatt — this is what I achieve at Aha!

Scott enjoys time outdoors at an Aha! onsite in Park City, Utah. | Photo by Jodi B Photography

June 14, 2024

My name is Scott Goldblatt — this is what I achieve at Aha!

by Aha!

What is the best way to accelerate your career? Work at a high-growth company that challenges you and puts learning first. An unwavering motivation to continue improving and achieving is also key. The highest performers constantly pursue new ideas and seek to understand the experiences and motivations of the people around them. We can learn a lot from them.

Curiosity fuels growth — which is why we want to bring you personal stories of achievement from talented people. Our hope is that some of their ideas are useful (and maybe even inspirational) as you work to become your best.

Meet Scott Goldblatt, a group manager on the Aha! Product Success team. Based out of Bend, Oregon, Scott joined the Aha! team more than eight years ago and brings nearly two decades of product experience with him. Before transitioning into tech, Scott achieved remarkable success in swimming and won two Olympic medals.

In his role, Scott enjoys helping the team reach ambitious goals and digging into complex problems that customers need to solve. Read on to learn more about how Scott finds meaning and joy in his work — in his own words.

What energizes you about being a group manager of the Product Success team?

"I get energy from helping others succeed and being part of a dedicated team. My love for coaching and teamwork comes from my athletic career. And as a leader within Product Success, I apply those same principles to teach and assist teammates every day.

For example, I often coach newer team members on how to communicate with customers. I encourage them to focus on a key topic versus asking a lot of different questions. Our team is very inquisitive and wants to see an optimal outcome for every customer. To get there, we have to focus our approach on achieving that outcome methodically and solve one problem at a time.

Guiding team members to lead customer interactions confidently — and seeing them succeed — always drives me."

What types of projects do you enjoy working on most?

"I enjoy anything I can do to support the team. This can mean major efforts or projects that help ease up our day-to-day work in some way.

A great example of this is our Product Success knowledge base. This internal wiki is our guide to all the work we do — it helps us stick to our principles. One of my responsibilities, with help from a few other teammates, is to ensure our documentation reflects current workflows and best practices. I am always looking to add content that helps the team work more efficiently with our customers. And I rely on their suggestions on how to make the wiki even better.

As a bonus, this gives us the chance to work firsthand with Aha! Knowledge, which is one of our newer products. I enjoy exploring the new functionality with the team."

What are the biggest challenges in your role — and how have you solved them?

"Every customer brings a different challenge. It is rewarding to find solutions that both help the customer and move the business forward. That is what makes the role so enjoyable to me."

"We might not be able to solve every challenge customers bring our way. But we can coach them on how to better manage, navigate, and even improve their processes with our software. It is a great feeling to provide this kind of advice, and I believe they are often grateful for the helping hand."

What has been the most rewarding thing about joining the Aha! team?

"Knowing that I come to work each day to help (and be helped by) the team is beyond rewarding."

"In my Why I joined blog post, I shared that my athletic achievements were always driven by the people surrounding me: my coaches, teammates, and competitors.

It has been the same through this part of my career. When I first interviewed at Aha! more than eight years ago, I saw incredible potential team members who would push me to excel. This has been the reality ever since. And it is no different from participating in sports. When you know that others are relying on your knowledge and expertise, it encourages you to work harder in any situation."

What advice do you have for an aspiring or early-career product builder?

"Try everything — but not at the detriment of doing nothing well."

"Trying everything is about being exposed to plenty of different experiences, scenarios, and learning moments. But you have to focus on being the best at what you are doing at that moment. Over the past two decades, I have been fortunate enough to start two businesses, sell them both, and lead product for a company backed by an early Facebook investor. No matter the experience, do not be afraid to get your hands dirty. And never say, 'That's not my job.'"

What is the most surprising, but useful career advice someone has given you?

"'You cannot solve every problem. Someone will always want something else.'

Many people err toward being problem solvers. But a quick solution sometimes comes at the detriment of the long-term plan. It is always important to understand the 'why' behind the work you are doing. You need to maintain focus on the future rather than on short-term benefits.

I like to think that my athletic background serves me well in understanding that 'why.' Seeing results pay off later on makes your past consistency and discipline worth it."

The What I achieve series spotlights the exceptional people on the Aha! team. For insights into how we got here, read our Why I joined posts.

We are bootstrapped, profitable, fully remote, and hiring. Join us and achieve your best.



Aha! is the world's #1 product development software. We help more than 1 million product builders bring their strategy to life. Our suite of tools includes Aha! Roadmaps, Aha! Ideas, Aha! Whiteboards, Aha! Knowledge, and Aha! Develop.

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