Deletions API
The recycle bin contains recently deleted workspaces, teams, and records. You can restore items up to 7 days after deleting them.
List contents of recycle bin
GET /api/v1/deletions
Example request
GET /api/v1/deletions
Example CURL command
curl -g "" -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 584b6d6b83405011f8c6903d2379f4afdf824cef867db391b7bcb5995f603a76" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
authorization: Bearer 584b6d6b83405011f8c6903d2379f4afdf824cef867db391b7bcb5995f603a76
contentType: application/json
accept: application/json
Status: 200 OK
contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8
Response body